Accidental drowning is the second leading cause of accidental deaths in children ages 1 - 14. Now that summer is here, it is important to learn how to protect your child, and children who may be visiting your home, from drowning and other serious injuries on your property.
Our Premises Liability Attorneys Urge Caution Around All Types of Water
The potential for drowning injuries, of course, exists around natural bodies of water and full-size swimming pools. However, a recent report published in the Journal of Pediatrics also finds that portable inflatable pools are a "significant risk" for children under age five. Some of the reasons for the risk include:
- The sides of the pool are not sturdy and can cause a child to slip and fall in the pool when playing or trying to get out.
- A distracted child may trip and fall into the pool when the parent is unaware.
- The pools are too heavy and hold too much water to realistically be emptied every day and they are often not secured in the way that a full-size pool would be secured. Thus, neighborhood children are vulnerable to accidents.
Call a New York Premises Liability Lawyer for Help
If your child has been hurt or killed in a portable pool accident, then your family may have legal rights to recovery. Please contact a New York premises liability attorney today at 1-800-362-9329 for more information about your rights.