long Island wind energy construction new york ny

South Fork Wind, New York’s first offshore wind farm, has achieved its “steel in the water” milestone with the installation of the project’s first monopile foundation, Governor Kathy
Hochul announced June 22. In the coming days, South Fork Wind will install the project’s U.S.-built offshore substation. If the project remains on track to be completed by the end of 2023, it would become America’s first utility-scale offshore wind farm to be completed in federal waters. The wind farm is meant to support the Climate Leadership and Community Protection Act goal to develop 9,000 MW of offshore wind by 2035. The project, which is owned by Eversource and Ørsted, was approved by the Biden administration in late 2021. Construction began shortly after the project was cleared in early 2022. Eversource considered pulling out of its offshore wind partnership with Ørsted in 2022, citing record-setting U.S. lease auctions, but ultimately decided to continue after a strategic review.