Construction workers face enough hazards on the job without having to worry about a designer’s poor planning. Unfortunately, landscape designers may make mistakes that lead to injuries on construction or renovation projects. When this happens, construction employees have a right to bring a third-party work injury claim against a negligent landscape architect.
Landscaping Defects That Can Cause Injuries to Construction Workers
The most common injuries from landscaping elements are trips and falls. Workers may trip over sprinkler heads, vaults, boxes, and other irrigation components, or trip over dangerous tree roots or vines. Construction employees could also have allergic reactions to plants used in landscaping or they may suffer injuries from flooding due to poor irrigation.
An accident from landscaping defects may have been caused by:
- Design. If a flaw goes undetected during the design phase, it can make its way into the final product. A licensed landscape architect is held to certain professional standards when creating any type of landscape project, and you may need an attorney to examine development drawings, soil reports, and other documents for design-related deficiencies.
- Installation. Contractors have a duty to follow all design specifications when installing irrigation systems, constructing paths and walkways, and ensuring steps and his are properly graded.
- Components. Many digital and computerized components are used in landscaping projects, including sprinkler systems, lighting, and water features. The use of incorrect or defective components can result in mechanical systems failure, leading to flooding and fires.
- Maintenance. As plants grow, roots may lift pavement or break pipes as they climb to the surface. Wood chips and ground coverings may erode over time and affect the surrounding grade, while ivy and climbing plants can weaken masonry. Architects may not be directly responsible for maintenance, but they do have a responsibility to ensure that the plants and systems used for the job are sustainable for the location in the future.
If you have been injured on a New York City construction site, you should contact Hofmann & Schweitzer to review your case as soon as possible. Contact us today or learn more about your rights in our FREE guide, Hurt in a Construction Accident? You’re Not Alone.
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