Worker Falling Off of a Roof While Doing RepairsRoofers are at high risk of traumatic injury in the course of their work. More than 100 workers nationwide die each year in roof accidents, while many more suffer broken bones, torn ligaments, or permanent disability. If you are a roofer who has been injured on the job, it is vital that you understand your right to collect workers’ compensation benefits and your ability to file a construction accident lawsuit.

Benefit and Compensation Options for Roofers Injured on the Job

Installing or repairing roofs can cause a wide range of injuries. While falls from the roof or into the structure are the most common cause of roofer injuries, workers can suffer repetitive strain injury in their knees and necks just from the daily motions of the job—and repeated exposure to asbestos or hazardous chemicals can cause occupational illness.

After a roofing accident, employees may be owed a variety of payments in the form of:

  • Medical benefits. Workers’ compensation medical benefits may be paid in two ways: invoiced directly to the employer’s insurance company, or paid by the worker and then submitted for reimbursement by the insurance company. Under New York Workers’ Compensation Law, injured employees are entitled to reimbursement for certain expenses related to their medical treatment, such as mileage to and from medical appointments, hospital parking fees, and prescription and over-the-counter medication costs.
  • Wage replacement. Workers’ compensation insurance should provide payment at the rate of 2/3 the employee’s average weekly wage until the employee is able to return to work.
  • Disability. If your injuries are so severe that you are no longer able to perform work at the same rate or extent as you did before the accident, you may qualify for permanent partial or total disability benefits through workers’ compensation.
  • Third-party claims. If you are an independent contractor rather than an employee, you can still collect injury compensation by filing a construction injury lawsuit. Our attorneys can investigate the circumstances of the accident to determine if the general contractor or property owner did not follow safety regulations and industry standards.

Contact Our Construction Accident Lawyers If You've Been Hurt At Work

If you’ve been hurt on a New York construction site, you should not have to pay for your own medical care and suffer because you are unable to work. Our construction injury attorneys will work to get you the compensation you are owed, and we do not collect any fees until after your case is won. Simply fill out our quick online contact form or call (800) 362-9329 to speak with a construction accident lawyer at Hofmann & Schweitzer today, or read through our FREE brochure, Hurt in a Construction Accident? You’re Not Alone.


Timothy F. Schweitzer
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Personal injury lawyer specializing in maritime, construction and railroad injury claims.
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