Generally, it is a good idea to contact a New Jersey maritime lawyer if you are injured at sea. An experienced New Jersey Jones Act lawyer will review the facts of your case and help you understand whether you have the right to recover legal damages for your accident injuries. In other words, you have nothing to lose by contacting a New Jersey maritime attorney. If you do not have a case or the right to recover damages, then the lawyer will tell you so and you will be no worse off.
Of course, there are some situations when a call to a maritime accident lawyer may be unnecessary. For example, if you suffered a minor injury while at sea that you were able to treat in minutes and that did not require any medical treatment and that did not result in you losing time from work, then there is likely no reason to call a lawyer.
In other cases, however, when you did incur medical bills and when you did lose income due to your inability to work, your call to a New Jersey Jones Act attorney may be one of the most important calls that you will ever make.
To find out more, please call our New Jersey maritime accident law firm at 1-800-362-9329 and please read our report, The Legal Rights of Injured Seamen and other Commercial Mariners, which is available for FREE on our website.