What should I do when I am discharged from the hospital after suffering a brain injury on my Atlantic fishing vessel?
Today may be the day that you have been waiting for. Today may be the day that the doctors are finally going to discharge you from the hospital and let you go home. It is a day to be celebrated, but you will soon realize that your journey toward recovery is still going to require a lot of work.What to Do Now
The very first thing that you should do is celebrate. Today is a good day. It is the day that you are able to return to your family and your home. You deserve to relax and enjoy yourself.
Tomorrow, however, there will be work to be done. Tomorrow, and in the days, weeks, and months following your return home, you will need to protect your physical recovery and your financial recovery. Specifically, you can:
- Keep getting the medical care that you need to recover to the maximum extent possible.
- Follow your doctor’s orders—even when it is hard.
- Talk to a lawyer about your legal options and how to protect your possible financial recovery. Do not rely on your employer to do this for you.
These steps may not be easy to take, but with the help and support of your family, doctors, and lawyer, you may be able to recover from the brain injury you suffered on your Atlantic fishing boat.
Want to Learn More?
Please read a free copy of our publication, The Legal Rights of Injured Seamen and Other Commercial Mariners, and please contact us directly via this website for a personal consultation.