Many accident victims are overwhelmed by their injuries, and the thought of a legal case can seem daunting. At Hofmann & Schweitzer, our legal team understands these feelings, and we’ve compiled our thoughts on many common worries here to help you get started finding the answers you need to protect yourself and your family. If you’ve been hurt in a construction, maritime, or railroad accident, browse our FAQs today.
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Which injury laws cover oil rig workers?
Can I sue a hiring company for causing a construction accident?
Am I getting the full amount of maintenance and cure?
Should I claim workers' compensation or file a work injury lawsuit?
Could unsafe stairs or ladders qualify as unseaworthiness?
Do I need a lawyer to file a third-party claim?
Why are plate freezers so hazardous for commercial fishermen?
Can I get pain and suffering in my construction accident case?
Do fish processing equipment accidents qualify as a maritime injury?
How do I start a third-party construction accident claim?