"I was a welder who got seriously injured on a construction site. As an alien in this country, I was afraid of contacting anyone about my accident. I wasn't familiar with my legal rights and one of my co-workers told me to talk to a lawyer at Hofmann & Schweitzer . They had Spanish speaking people at their office who helped me and kept me informed during the process. I was happy how the matter was resolved. I would recommend them to anyone who is seriously injured like I was. I had very serious injuries and the compensation they obtained for me will help me survive."

 "Yo era un soldador cuando me lesioné gravemente en una obra de construcción.Como un extranjero en este país, no estaba familiarizado con mis derechos, y temía comunicarme con alguien acerca del accidente. Un compa ero de trabajo me dijo que hablara con los abogados de la firma Hofmann y Schweitzer. Los contraté y ellos me mantuvieron informado durante todo el proceso. Yo estoy contento de la manera que se resolvió el asunto. Yo les recomiendo la firma de Hofmann y Schweitzer a cualquiera que esté gravemente lesionado cómo lo estuve yo. Tenía heridas muy graves y la compensación que se obtuvo me ayudará a sobrevivir."

Alex V.