Many accident victims are overwhelmed by their injuries, and the thought of a legal case can seem daunting. At Hofmann & Schweitzer, our legal team understands these feelings, and we’ve compiled our thoughts on many common worries here to help you get started finding the answers you need to protect yourself and your family. If you’ve been hurt in a construction, maritime, or railroad accident, browse our FAQs today.
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What can I expect when I meet with a New York construction accident attorney?
What Are the Dangers of Working in a New York Shipyard?
I lost my leg in a construction accident. What is a fair recovery for my injury?
Can I Recover Damages For Injuries on My First Day of Work?
Do I Have to Be Part of a Union in Order to Recover Damages if I Have Been Injured in a New York Construction Accident?
I understood the rules and expectations for handling chemicals on our construction site, but some of the workers didn’t because the information was only presented in English. Is that a problem?
The Cause of My Construction Accident Injury is Unique and Unusual. Will That Harm My Recovery?
How Long Do I Have to File a Jones Act Case
What if a Toxic Spill on Your Vessel Leaves You Injured
Recovering Fair Damages After a Lobster Fishing Back Injury