Many accident victims are overwhelmed by their injuries, and the thought of a legal case can seem daunting. At Hofmann & Schweitzer, our legal team understands these feelings, and we’ve compiled our thoughts on many common worries here to help you get started finding the answers you need to protect yourself and your family. If you’ve been hurt in a construction, maritime, or railroad accident, browse our FAQs today.
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Why You Should Call a Lawyer After an Atlantic Fishing Accident Injury
My Child Was Hurt on an unsecured trampoline while trespassing. What should I do?
Is Someone Else Liable for My Broken Wrist?
If I'm Hurt in an Apartment Building Who Is Liable for My Injuries?
Are FELA and Workers Compensation the Same Thing
Do I Have a Slip and Fall Case?
Is There Some Kind of Report That Should Be Filled Out if Im Hurt in a New York Slip and Fall Accident?
How Do You Get a Maritime Accident Report From a Difficult Employer?
Are railroad accidents always caused by human error?
If I Am Injured at Sea Am I Required to See a Company Doctor?